Our lives, our past and our future are tied to the sun, the moon and the stars. Our obligation to survive and flourish is owed not just to ourselves but also to that cosmos ancient and vast from which we spring. We are star stuff harvesting starlight.
--Carl Sagan, Cosmos
It all starts with your first breath.
This custom-tailored report unlocks the secrets of your natal (birth) chart, presenting you with a comprehensive, accessible psychological profile. A foundational tool for self-understanding.
No knowledge of astrology is required to understand this report, but all of the planets, signs, houses, aspects and more are noted for those who are interested. The ideal jumping-off point for astrological exploration.
The information in the natal report never expires, so you'll refer to it again and again for years to come. It also makes a great gift.
30-plus pages. Includes chart drawing. Your custom PDF will be emailed in 24-36 hours. $49.
We come into this world with a specific, personal destiny. Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.
--Steven Pressfield, The War of Art
Of the myriad methods that astrologers use to forecast the future – more accurately, the process of you becoming you – transits are the most popular. Transits are the interaction between planets currently moving through the heavens and the planets and points (like your Ascendant) in your unique natal chart. They show your inner conditions as well as potential outer events.
This custom-tailored report covers one year of the transits of the planets Mars through Pluto to your natal chart. (The transits of the Moon, Sun, Mercury and Venus are almost always too fleeting to be felt.) Some planetary influences last just a few days while others may linger as a sort of background hum for several years. The effective dates of each cycle are listed, along with the midpoint date.
No knowledge of astrology is required to understand this report, but the specific transiting aspects are noted for those who are interested.
About 25 pages. Your custom PDF will be emailed in 24-36 hours. $39.
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
--C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul
The use of astrology to understand human relationships can be traced at least as far back as the Greco-Roman mathematician Ptolemy (ca 168 CE).
This custom-crafted report utilizes multiple astrological techniques to explore the dynamics between two people. What are the relationship’s strengths? What are its weaknesses? Accessibly written, it addresses the relationship’s most significant features while giving insight into how to handle problem areas and better appreciate each other. It does not explicitly answer the question, “Is this the one?”, instead equipping the reader to make his or her own decision.
No knowledge of astrology is required to understand this report, but planets, houses and aspects are noted throughout for those who are interested.
About 12 pages. Choose Romantic or Non-romantic (friends, parent/child, siblings, employer/employee, etc.). Your custom PDF will be emailed in 24-36 hours. US$29.
None of us are born as passive generic blobs waiting for the world to stamp its imprint on us. Instead we show up possessing already a highly refined and individuated soul.
--Steven Pressfield, The War of Art
Essentially an instruction manual to your child, written just for you.
Crafted specifically for parents and those responsible for children, this report describes the child’s natural talents, needs, health, parental relationships, school environment and more, in order to maximize his or her potential. Holds the keys to guiding the child to a happy, fulfilled life. Identifying potential challenges and pitfalls allows parents to take proactive measures.
Clients say they refer back to this every few months and are astounded to see their child growing into the person described in the report. Makes an ideal gift for new parents.
No knowledge of astrology is required to understand this report, but all of the planets, signs, houses and aspects are noted throughout for those who are interested.
About 20 pages. Your custom PDF will be emailed in 24-36 hours. US$29.
The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
--Lucille Ball
Each year, within two days of your birthday, the Sun returns to the exact degree, minute and second of arc it occupied at your birth. This is known as the solar return. The saying “many happy returns” is a wish for numerous revolutions around the Sun, e.g., years of life – accompanied by a positive solar return chart, of course!
The solar return chart is a birth chart for a new cycle of growth. It describes the overall themes of the year, and the potential, options, problems and issues associated with those themes.
This report analyzes each planet in the solar return chart by house, and includes information on retrogradations, hemisphere and quadrant emphasis, and sign deficits and surpluses, if they are present. No knowledge of astrology is required to understand this report, although robust introductions to the general meaning of each planet are included. The effective period of a solar return stretches from three months before the birthday though to the next birthday – so about 15 months in total.
The solar return report gives a broad overview of the year from birthday to birthday, while the 1-Year Transit Forecast provides specific timing throughout the year. The solar return report, therefore, is complementary to the 1-Year Transit Forecast, and it can also stand alone. Naturally, it makes a great birthday present for yourself or someone else.
About 40 pages. Includes chart drawings. Your custom PDF will be emailed in 24-36 hours. US$39.